
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Graduation Speech


                                            Jesse Anamoo

    Life has       Life is like a soccer game. There is a first half and then there is a second half . The game kicked off when I came to Hynes elementary school. At Hynes, I found my first friend, and to me that was the biggest joy. We did everything together and to me that was what friendship was meant to be. Then I got my first ever yellow card and it was when I got into my first fight. It was not the best decision that I made but it payed of in some way because the person that I fought turned out to also be my friend. We would play soccer together each day after school and some times I would go over to his house, and sometimes he would come over to my house. That was just the beginning, then After I graduated from Hynes Elementary School, I went on to Golf Middle School. At golf, I made even more friends and had even more memories. One of my first memories at Golf Middle School was when I got my first Golf Scholar. I was so happy that I got it because it meant that I was really taking school seriously and cared about my education.

Now, we fa    Now, we fast forward into Sixth Grade. This is the grade  when I made the Varsity Soccer Team. This to me was a really big accomplishment because I was one of the only three sixth graders to make it. We may have been short, but we sure knew how to handle the ball once it was at our feet. We ended up coming in 2nd place that year and that was the end of that season. Then, it was Seventh Grade. Here, I made so many friends that I couldn't even count. I made one amazing memory here and it was when we went to Camp McClain. It was on of the most exciting two days that I experienced. I learned how to fish their, and use teamwork to solve things. Of all the things that I learned how to do at Camp McClain, the one memory that stays in my head is the food. The food there was so good, and high in calories, but I could not resist the taste. The next memory that I have from Sixth Grade was the Junior Varsity Soccer team. We came second that year but we had to fight hard for that because the other middle school teams wanted to get to the top of the standing just like us but we managed to maintain of place. One of our challenging games was against Lincoln Hall. They we the leaders of the leaderboard holding First place. We played hard against them and with about one minute left in the game, we were at a stalemate of 1-1. We both were still battling hard but they got a lucky shot and scored resulting in the winning first place and us winning second place. We were determined to beat them the next year and that was what we were up to. Those were the moments of my seventh grade that were really special.

at our of          We are now in our last ten minutes of the game and it getting intense. During eight grade have so many good times. One of the good time that I had was when my friends and I shared stories about Camp McClain. We told stories on how we each did hilarious things in our cabins, and we laughed so hard that we started to tear up. Although there were many other moments that caused me to get into trouble the memories that stay in my head are the memories that really had an impact on me. Now, we fast forward into a bunch of months and here I am about to graduate from middle school and complete the first half of the game. Golf has given me four amazing years to remember and the stories that came with it, so I would just like to thank all my teachers for never giving up on me and always giving me opportunities to come in and to do some extra credit or to finish my service hours, or giving me an extension for my assignments when they were late. I would also like to thank my friends for staying with me all these years and for never looking down on me and always looking up to me. Finally I would like to thank my parents for paying for all my fees, and for always pushing me to strive to my very best potential. And as Arie Pencovici said, “ Graduation is just a concept. In real life everyday you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you’ll make a difference.” I am now going on into the second half of the game and that is High school, and I just hope I make even more memories there.

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Today I will Teach You the steps on How to "properly" prepare for a test.

Step 1: Never Listen in class

Step 2: Never take notes until forced to do so.

Step 3: Never ever keep your accordion organized.

Step 4: Act like you know what is going in the class by raising your hand when everyone else does and hope you don't get called on.

Step 5: Never do ur Homework until 3:00 a.m.

Step 6: Try to miss most of class by staying in the bathroom so that when the others have to do work, you don't have to.

Step 7: Try to stay late after class to write random things in your agenda so that the teacher thinks your paying attention.

Step 8: Copy Copy Copy

Step 9: Try to remember things that you know at the top off your head to try and pass the test.

Step 10: Write a lot of completely false information when it comes to the writing part of the test and don't put and spaces so that it looks like a lot but it actually isn't a lot and them the teacher will think that you did the correct job and get too lazy to read it cause it is to much.

So there you have it, how to "properly" prepare for a test.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Endings and Beginings

  My goals as I begin summer are easy and simple and they like this, Attend Niles North Summer Camp for soccer, Finish up my required classes, and when High School starts its to make it on the senior soccer team. These are my goals because they are what I believe will lead me on the right track as I go through High School. The soccer camps are my main priority because if I excel in that I will have a good chance of making the senior varsity soccer team. Soccer is everything to me and I train most days to improve on my skills so that in High School, they will become very lethal and useful. It is also my main priority because I want to be scouted to be on a men's soccer team while in high school and that can happen through the soccer camp because it will prepare me to play against people that are bigger than me and stronger than me. I play for my clubs U16 team even though I am not 16 and I am on the right track with that because the guys my that are on the other U16  teams are basically in my strength range but when it come to skills they are not much of a match compared to me. As for completing my classes, that isn't a problem for me because I am just taking easy classes so that I can get them out of the way. These are my goals because "with every ending comes a new beginning" 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Field Trips

  My favorite Field Trip that I have been to was Camp McClain. It is my favorite because we spent two days there and in those two days I had so much fun. The first day we arrived, we got to our cabins and settled in. We then got into our groups for our activities. After the activities we went to the food area and got our food. The food there was amazing and so rich. At night we were in our cabins and we told a few stories and joked around. Then, we out to play a huge game of capture the flag. There was a lot of cheating going on but still it was very fun. We played for about and hour and a half before we stopped. By then, my team had one 4-1 and were celebrating. We then we then went up a hill for some camp fire fun. We told stories, sang songs, and messed around. When we got back to our cabins we brushed our teeth and calmed down. Our teacher left the cabin to go to another cabin so we decided to prank him. We were gonna turn off all the lights and pretend we were sleeping so that he would be surprised. When he walked in he said, "Nice try," And that's when we knew that we failed. We then messed around some more and one of my friends threw his pillow at the fan and was told to go to bed, that was very funny and we teased him about it a lot. aw then went into our beds and just talked for about two more hours before going to bed at 6 o'clock am. Then when we woke up at 7:30 am we went to the docks and lay down fishing. We stayed there for about 3 hours before packing our things up and leaving. So Camp McClain was probably my best field trip I've been on.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Holocaust Blog

December 12, 1943
This week mother has picked up a disease that we do not know of. We have been in our little beat up apartment in the ghetto since 1939 when the Jews were kicked out off  Germany, now we are in December and Christmas is only a few weeks away. Mothers sickness is suspected to be from not picking the lice out of her clothes like the rest of us. It is also because she has been working excessively to bring food to the apartment cause father got sent to Auschwitz. I miss father so much and I hate the Germans for taking away from us. I have grown skinny cause the food in the ghetto is very scarce and mother is starting to worry about my health but I keep telling here to relax and not worry about me that makes her worry even more. There has been snow for almost 6 days now and it keeps falling and me and a few others have to shovel it out and that is like a job you can never imagine because your feet are burning from how cold the floor is and your sweat gets frozen on your skin. I came home one day to find mother making food and then I think that her sickness has gone away but then she falls on the floor and collapses but lucky for us we have a doctor who lives in the apartment that is above us and as soon as I call to him he rushes to our apartment and helps mother regain consciousness. Then he tells us that the Germans are coming to take the weak Jews from the ghetto and send them to a work camp so that  they can work for the Germans making war goods. Soon, the following week the Germans come and take the weak Jews just as the doctor said, and take them away and we never see them again and one off the weak is mother. I am now so heart broken that I don't know what to do.

Jesse, Anamoo

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Daniels Story

We must live, and when this is all over, we must work to make the world a better place.  And if we die, we will die knowing that it was not our fault, that we did our best, and we can go to our deaths in dignity… I want you both to live…And to remember...You must choose love.  Always choose love.”  

(from Daniel’s Story by Carol Matas, page 70)

A time when someone choose love was when in the Hunger Games Katnas and Peeta. They choose love over everything else and together they survived and in a way changed the world. They were in the Hunger Games and they had to survive by eliminating other players by killing them. A time came when Katas and Peeta had to choose love because, one of Kaunas's friend died and it was only her and Peeta now. At first they, didn't like each other much then gradually they learned to accept each other. Eventually, the eliminated player by player and in the end they had to choose which one of them would die and which on would survive and since they choose love they almost killed themselves by committing suicide, but then they were stopped by the people who were running the games and they both lived.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Leap Year

  I don't really know a lot about Leap Year, but I read about it online and it stated that every 4 years an extra day is added on to February. So here is a a little bit about Leap Year online. According to, "leap year, where an extra day is added to the end of February every four years, is down to the Gregorian calendar's disparity with the solar system. A complete orbit of the earth around the sun takes exactly 365.2422 days to complete, but the Gregorian calendar uses 365 days. So leap seconds - and leap years - are added as means of keeping our clocks (and calendars) in sync with the Earth and its seasons." I think that it is really cool that an extra day is added onto February every four years, and that it comes down to a calendar and its disparity with the solar system.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Picture Story

Alright, so I'm gonna tell a story about when I scared my little sister by putting on a mask. This picture is specifically about that time. So, about 3 weeks ago I was playing videogames on a regular Saturday afternoon, then my little sister comes in my room and starts to bother me, so being the forceful brother that I am, I told her to get out and close the door but she still kept coming in. She kept doing this for about 15 minutes, and I was getting so annoyed so I came up with a plan to leave me alone. This is pretty smart, so I got out one of my old Halloween masks and put it on and hid around the corner of my room. So, I guessed correctly she walked in and I scared her so bad that she jumped around the corner and tripped. It was so funny that I couldn't stop laughing for a while. So, here is the other genius part, I left the mask in front of my room so that when she would come around the corner, she would see the mask and run away. I still do that today but I sometimes get in trouble for it.

Monday, February 1, 2016

My baby

My baby has horns. My baby also has a big nose. I find it kinda funny that may baby has a big belly. My baby also looks like a giraffe because it has a long neck. My baby has long arms and big thumbs. It also has a tail. My baby also has eye brows, eye lashes, brown eyes and a big nose. it also has fat lips. lastly, my baby has knobby Kness big feet and two toes.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Favorite Restaurant and Why its my favorite.

Buffalo Wild Wings

  My favorite restaurant is Buffalo Wild Wings. The reason why it is my favorite restaurant is because they have the best chicken wings I have ever tasted. My personal favorite food from Buffalo Wild Wings is the Boneless Mild Chicken Wings. The reason why it is my favorite food from there is because, it was my first type of chicken wings that I got from there. It tastes so good because it has a tangy flavor to it, and because its not to hot, unlike the Blazin Wings from there. The Blazin Wings are so hot. They don't even have a taste to it because it is just hot. In my opinion the best Wings from Bdubs are the Mild Wings, Mango Habanero Wings, or the Asian Zing wings. All in all, my favorite restaurant is Buffalo Wild Wings. And as I said earlier, its my favorite restaurant because they have the best Chicken Wings I have ever tasted.

Picture of Buffalo Wild Wings.


Picture of Mild Wings.

Picture of Blazin Wings.

Picture of Mango Habanero Wings.

Picture of Asian Zing Wings.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Messi winning the ballon d'or

  Lionel Messi won his fifth Ballon d'Or. Messi is said to be one of the world's best soccer players, and he proved it by wining the Ballon d'Or. On January 11, 2016, Lionel Messi won his fifth Ballon d'Or award. Messi had 41.33% of the votes, with Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo 27.76% followed by Barcelona's Neymar 7.86%. In my opinion, Messi deserved to win the Ballon d'Or award. Sure he was injured half the season but the other half that he wasn't injured, Messi showed great skill in his dribbling. On the other hand, Ronaldo also played great, but his skill this year would always end up in him getting slide tackled or losing the ball. Neymar, an outstanding, uprising star showed great resilience, and skill during 2015. He dribbled so many players out to score the goal or either assist Luis Suarez. When Messi got injured, Neymar and Suarez were the ones who carried the team. When Messi returned on El clasico, Barcelona was already winning 4-0 over Real Madrid, so that shows how well Neymar and Suarez play together. Even statistics show how well Messi played:

Messi's 2015 in numbers

  • 61 games, 52 goals and 26 assists.
  • A goal every 101 minutes and an assist every 202 minutes.
  • Best minutes-per-goal rate - 80 - of anyone scoring a minimum of 10 goals across Europe's top five leagues during 2015.
  • Directly involved in 49 goals in La Liga - 34 scored and 15 assists - which was the joint-most with Ronaldo in 2015 across the top five European leagues.
  • Scored in all six club tournaments in 2015, as Barcelona won five of them.

Messi also won the Ballon d'Or four years in a row.
2012: Lionel Messi
2011: Lionel Messi
2010: Lionel Messi
2009: Lionel Messi

 So, if you're gonna argue on why Ronaldo should have won the Ballon d'Or, check your facts before you argue.

Monday, January 18, 2016

October Sky Movie Review

     We watched a movie in class called October Sky.  It was about these four boys who built a rocket that won them a scholarship to go to college. The main character in the movie is called Homer Hikums. His dream is to build a rocket that goes up in space. He has problems doing that because, his dad wants to be a miner just like him. Homer doesn't agree with that and goes on with his idea. His teacher is one of the people that supports his idea and pushes him to go on with his dream. She helps him out a bit by giving him a math book to study from. When homer is finally ready with his idea he and his friends build a headquarters and launching pad to test their rockets. Homers dad throws out his stuff in the rain to discourage homer from following his dream but homer doesn't back down and continues. He tests out his first rocket in this front yard, and blows up his moms fence. He builds more and more rockets but they all fail to launch by exploding at lift off. Then one day a man goes to watch homer and his friends launch a rocket but the rocket almost hurts the man. The man suggests that the get an additional part for their rocket to assure that the rocket doesn't blow up. Homer and his friends pull out train tracks from abandoned train tracks to earn money for the part and eventually they get enough money. They add the additional part for the rocket but the rocket still keeps blowing up. They then figure out that the rockets keep blowing up because the liquids in the rockets overheat, causing the explosions. They do what they have to do to get all the pieces they need to make sure that the rocket fly's. On the day of their launch, a big crowd comes nd watches. They all think that the rocket will blow up and just came to se him fail again, but when homer and his friends shoot the rocket off, it soars beautifully through the air. The next following days homer and his friends get arrested for supposedly starting a forest fire, then the cops ban them from ever shooting another rocket. Homer and his friends prove themselves innocent by showing where the rocket landed and where the fire started. More drought happens when homer is forced to drop out and become a miner because his father gets injured when the mine blows up. His teacher is very upset with his decision and refuses to talk to him. After a few weeks of mining homer quits and has an argument with his dad about mining and how it is his dads life and not his. Homer goes on with his dream and wins at the world science fair to earn a scholarship for he and his friends to go to college. He returns to find out that his teacher was diagnosed with a type of cancer. On the final launch day of  his rocket, homer invite his dad to come ad watch, but his dad declines the invite. Later on while homer is about to launch the rocket, his dad shows up while homer gives a speech about the people who inspired him to go on with his dream. Homer launches the rocket with his dad and the rocket soars in the air miles and miles. all in all the movie was great and had great characters in it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Years Resolution

Her is the list of thing that I hope to keep true to in 2016.

Less: Stay up late.
         Play less videogames.
         Talk in class.
         Go outside with no jacket.
         Bears Losses.
         Correcting Spanish tests.

More: Get more soccer training in.
           Keep up my good grades.
           Setting my alarm.
           Get more 100% on math tests.
           Not get in trouble.
          Bears wins.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Marijuana Debate

My topic is Marijuana. Its weird how my topic is marijuana but its what my group voted on. One side of the debate is should marijuana be legal. The other side is should marijuana stay illegal. I'm gonna start with the side that says marijuana should be legal. Marijuana should be legal because, it could be used for medical uses such as, helping with seizures, and calming down people. It could be used for good, such as listed in the sentence before. Now I'm gonna explain why marijuana should be illegal. As stated on a medical website, "Marijuana causes you to have hallucinations. Marijuana also cause you have thoughts of suicide. These are most strong opinion of Marijuana should and should not be legal

What I want for Christmas

A gift that I would want for Christmas is the IPhone 6. The reason why I would want the IPhone 6 is because ever since I saw it on TV I had my eyes set on getting it, and this was since Thanks Giving. My phone broke a few weeks ago so since I have wanted the IPhone 6 I asked for it for Christmas. Christmas is the time of the year when we ask and get what we want for Christmas. If I got the IPhone 6 for Christmas, I would be incredibly happy. Christmas is just around the corner for us so if I got what I wanted, it would mean the world to me.